In Instagram Story, select the pencil tool, open the color palette and tap and hold any color to access an infinite range of colors!
It is possible to use fonts that are not offered by Instagram Story. To do this, go to with the Instagram app open. Write your text and choose the font you like. Copy the result obtained and paste it directly on your Story. Voila, you have a story with a font that very few people use!
Little trick, you can also use it to change the font of your Instagram bio.
Another tip, draw a line as you wish then use the eraser tool (end preferably) to erase part of the line: you have just created a dotted effect . That's it !

Open the photo gallery, and copy the photo (on iOS: bottom left, below the Airdrop line on iPhone, first line "copy photo"). Once the photo is copied, paste it on Instagram stories. You can repeat the operation several times to create pretty collages in Story and have the desired rendering!

This trick allows you to fill the screen (background) of Instagram Story with a single color. All you have to do is take a photo, select the pencil tool, then click on the pencil and choose the desired background color. Leave your finger pressed on the screen, and TADAAM, it's done!
Instagram does not allow you to add stickers (non-animated gifs) to your stories directly via the app. For this trick, open your photo gallery, and copy the saved sticker (on iOS: bottom left, below the Airdrop line on iPhone, first line “copy photo”). Once the sticker is copied, paste it into the story.
Create a “Stickers” album on your phone so you can find them more easily.
In your story, open the color eyedropper tool and color palette, select your text, and swipe your fingers from left to right slowly to create a rainbow over the text .
Just like regular posts, hashtags are useful for increasing the visibility of your story, but they can ruin the visual To add the hashtags and hide them, just type the hashtags and then drag them under a GIFS or Stickers. If you are not using GIFs or Stickers, place your hashtags on a corner of your Story on a plain background.
This last trick allows you to write more legibly on a photo or uncover a bit of an image. Just upload your photo to your Instagram Story, press the “draw” tool, choose the highlighter, choose a light color and then long press the photo.
Justine from Creative Kits ♡