Virality on Instagram is one of the most important factors if you want to grow your community. To understand what virality is and its impact, here are two examples of posts below.
Analysis of post with virality:

- 30,000 impressions via #
- 140 followers via post
- 78% of those affected were unfollowing the account
- 149 records
- 75 DM of the publication
- 5000 likes + 144 comments
Analysis of the post without virality:

- 5,900 impressions via #
- 13 follow
- 57% of those affected were unfollowing the account
- 14 records
- 1 DM of the publication
- 2,000 likes + 45 comments
But how to remedy the lack of virality? Here are some tips to trigger it! Let's go:
- Content quality
- The first few minutes
- The time of publication
- The use of #
What defines content quality?
The quality of the content is defined by Instagram. It's like Instagram gave a score to each photo using the criteria below to define the quality and its distribution.
With approximately
- 1 organic like (someone who already follows you): 1 point
- 1 non-organic like: 2 points
- 1 comment: 3 dots
- 1 non-organic comment: 5 points
- 1 send by DM: 7 points
- 1 record: 10 points
It is obvious that other parameters come into account such as the follow or visit triggered when viewing the photo, the like/comment ratio, as well as the proportion of unusual people who likes.
The first few minutes:
The first few minutes are essential to define the virality of your publication.
Instagram will first show your post to the most loyal sample of your community, if they like and comment, Instagram will expand the post to your followers who like less often …and etc. If your community is receptive to your post, Instagram will then show your post on small # , then medium and finally big # (see also article on "How to Choose good hashtags?" )
Vou can also trigger the first interactions while being active. That is to say, respond to comments on your last photo, like and comment on other photos, like comments under your last photos, etc.
Publish time
Posting time is also very important (also read article on "When to post on Instagram?")
To be sure that your publication is seen, your community must be online and active at the time or within minutes/hours of your publication.So avoid posting at 3 a.m. in France (even on a Saturday…)Of course the hours of publication will be different according to each audience, but the recommended hours often remain the same for everyone
Recommended hours:
Mon – Tues – Wed – Thursday: from 7.30 a.m. to 9.30 a.m. and in the evening from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m.
Fri: 7:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m.
Sat: 8:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.
Sun: 4 p.m. to 7 p.m.
If you want to be even more precise, you can use the When to Post application, which offers you the best posting times according to your audience.
Good hashtags
The last point to address to have virality on your posts is to use the #.
Only it is not appropriate to put #, just to put #. You have to know how to use them and mix them. Instagram's logic is well established and will initially display your post on # less than 150,000 posts , then if your post works well, on means (between 150,000 and 1 million), then in the same logic on # > at 1 million posts.
So depending on the size of your account, we offer you an example of using # to gain virality:
If 3 to 10k followers:
- 3# small
- 3# means
- 2# big
- 2 own to your photo
If 10 to 50k followers:
- 2# small
- 5# means
- 3# big
- 2 # own to your photo
If 50k to +:
- 2# small
- 4#means
- 4# big
- 2 # own to your photo.
Don't forget to vary your # under each photo! If you always use the same ones, Instagram will consider you to be spam and not spontaneous content. We therefore advise you to make a note on the phone with several groups of #.
You will understand, with a good dose of these four factors, you have everything to trigger virality under your Insta posts!
It's up to you!
Justine from Creative Kits ♡